- Students should affix their photograph and write the required information, duly signed by their parent, in the space provided in the Almanac.
- Every student will wear an Identity Card every day.
- Every student should carry his/her Almanac to School every day.
- Students should be in neat & clean dress. The school uniform is to be worn every day and for all school functions and activities.
- Slogan writing or scribbling either on the school uniform or on the person is an offence and it will be dealt strictly.
- Students are expected to respect all properly. This includes respect for school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in anyway damage the things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one who causes it. Anyone who notices something damaged should report the matter to the school authority even if he or he doesn't know who is responsible.
- Shouting or whistling is not allowed in the School campus.
- To throw things at others is strictly forbidden.
- Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments such as knives etc. to the school, or any kind of object that can cause injury to them and to others.
- Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly fashion.
- Students are advised to keep their classroom, school building and campus as clean as possible, and throw left over in the dustbins.
- It is not advisable to bring valuable articles e.g. expensive jewellery watches or fountain pens to school.
- Any book Other than text books or library books should not be brought to the school.
- Students who commute in the care of escorts should never leave before the escort arrives. In case of delay they should inform the school-office/Reception.
- The school reserves the right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory, or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
- Students found tampering with the school records e.g. marks allotted by teacher in tests/exams etc are liable to strict disciplinary action.
- The school uniform is to be worn everyday and for all the school functions. Students who are sloppily dressed or not in the complete uniform will be fined Rs. 50,00.
- Those students who go home by school transport should wait at their bus stop in an orderly fashion and should not board or alight from moving buses. They should not hang out or stand on the foot board of the bus.
- Students should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
- The School is not responsible for goods lost. No books (other than text books or library books., magazines) floppies, cassettes, CDs, Cell phones or money should be brought to the school without the Principal's permission.
- Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit wards or teacher in the class rooms, without permission of the Principal.
- It is expected that the juniors be treated with love and affection, while the juniors show all respect to their senior.
- Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.