Registration Opens (Classes Nursery-IX) for Admission (2025-26) in DSB International Public School (CBSE Affiliated) Gumaniwala, Rishikesh, Distt. Dehradun, Separate Hostel for Boys & Girls Website : Contact : +91-135-2452583, +91-9412056775

General Guidelines To Parents / Guardians

  1. The school lays great emphasis on discipline; slackness, disobedience and disregard for the rules will not be tolerated. Any negligence of good manners, any work or action likely to lower the image of the school, is regarded as a beach of school discipline. The school reserves the right to take suitable disciplinary actions, which may even amount to suspension or expulsion from the school, against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is considered unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students. Immorality, insubordination or contempt of authority and breaking bounds and causing damage to school property are always sufficient reasons for immediate expulsion, rustication or any other disciplinary action as the authorities may deem fit.
  2. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers in the fixed proforma available at School or the Administrative Office.
  3. Half day leave should not be asked for, for security reasons, In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal through the Class Teacher. Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to Principal through the Class Teacher. The address and phone number, admission number, class and section of the child should be clearly mentioned in the application.
  4. Children, when sick, especially affected by a contagious disease, should not be sent to school. Proper leave should be applied for.  A child absent due to a contagious disease will be allowed to resume classes only on submission of medical fitness certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner:
  5. Parents should sign the progress report sheet and return it to the school within three days. If lost/mutilated, replacement will be made only after the payment of Rs. 100/- at the Administrative Office.
  6. The name, admission No, class, section and house of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student.
  7. Parents are required to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and taking interest in their child's work. They should check the Almanac everyday and note the instructions given. They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular/notice/invitation etc. has been issued.
  8. Parents are also advised to check if their wards have taken home the belongings of other children by mistake or intentionally. They should personally return the same to the school-office, the very next day.
  9. Care must be taken of all school property and if any damage is done, it will be made good by the concerned student together with the fine imposed for the offence. At time the whole class of the erring student may have to pay a general joint fine. This may be done in very special cases to make the students learn the lessons of collective responsibility and discipline.
  10. Students are not allowed to wear earrings. Girls are allowed to wear only small studs. No students are allowed to put on nail polish/ tattoos under any circumstances.
  11. Students are advised not to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, transistors, cameras, calculators, mobile phones or jewellery to school. In case of valuables lost, the authorities shall not undertake any responsibility.
  12. All students are expected to join the school on the notified date at the beginning of the session or after each vacation. Absence of a student just before and immediately after the vacation would attract strict disciplinary action against him/her.
  13. The ward of those parents who avoid meeting the authorities when advised to do so, may not be allowed to attend the classes.
  14. Parents should not try to contact the teachers over the phone during working hours, but they can meet them during the visiting hours mentioned in the Almanac.
  15. Parents are requested to personally see off and receive their wards at bus stops.
  16. Parents are requested not to enter school buses to see off and receive their wards.
  17. Parents should not try to overtake and stop the school bus to facilitate the boarding of their wards as this endangers the safety.
  18. Parents should not argue with the teachers in the bus or the conductor/driver. If there is any problem, a written complaint to the Administrative Office should be given.
  19. Parents and guardians will appreciate the fact that absence during the term is not in the interest of student. Hence, taking leave should be an exception rather than an accepted practice.
  20. Parents must first consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars before making enquiries over the phone.
  21. No student is allowed to bring presents, etc. to school to mark his/her/other's birthday or any other occasion.
  22. Our school is a polybag-free zone. All parents are requested not to send or bring any articles like tiffin, stationery, craft articles etc. to school in polybags.
  23. Always encourage your child to take interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sport but follow your discretion while pressurizing the child to produce the results beyond his/her capacity.
  24. You are the first preceptors, so remember that the child may fail to do what you recommend but they never fail to imbibe what you yourself do.
  25. Support your child to be self-reliant. Always be available to help but avoid spoon-feeding. Appreciate and pat the child when she/he tries to better herself/himself.
  26. Children are gullible, so criticizing the teacher or school in their presence should be avoided scrupulously. You don't want them to lose respect for teachers as they consequently fail to learn from them
  27. Please make it a point to sign the Almanac and circulars regularly. Meet the teacher on Open Days as entering the class-room during hours is prohibited.
  28. Say 'No' to tuitions.
  29. You are welcome to discuss your ward's progress in school but with a prior appointment fixed. Visiting hours are allotted for that.
  30. Parents with students and teacher form a triangle for education. They should work in tandem to reinforce optimum blooming.
  31. Parents and guardians are directed to read and explain the school rules to their wards.
  32. AII parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children so that they:
    Maintain personal hygiene like: trimming of nails and being neat on a regular basis.
    Exercise regularly.
    Sleep for at least seven hours daily.
    Have a balanced diet, nutritiously rich in proteins and milk.
    Drink water which is either boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.
    Avoid consumption of ice-creams, other milk products and eatables from road side vendors.
    Get dental and ophthalmic check up every year by a dental surgeon and an ophthalmologist.
    Students suffering form infectious diseases such as. Chicken Pox, Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping-Cough, and Jaundice etc. must observe the prescribed period of quarantine as mentioned under the heading 'absence" in the Almanac.
  33. Students suffering from any of the diseases like asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic heart disease, etc, are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a specialist doctor. History of their illness must be filled up in the almanac along with the treatment being taken.
  34. Encourage your ward to develop a healthy attitude towards the Community and the Nation.